Thursday, December 11, 2008

a little bit of self-discovery

So I'm sitting here teaching myself an entire semester's worth of economics. Why didn't I learn it during the semester? The same reason I'll have to teach myself the last 6 chapters of my accounting textbook before Monday's final (which thank the LORD is not cumulative!). I can't stand either teacher, and for the simple reason that neither of them bothers to TEACH us the subject. A smart student (which I tend to think I am) would spend their time studying and teaching themselves the material throughout the course of the semester. But I am stubborn and have punished noone but myself by silently boycotting these men. And now I have until 9am Saturday morning to learn 17 chapters about economics, a subject I already dislike and tend to avoid. Way to go me. I'm hoping that by documenting this discovery, I will never repeat this stupid behavior. I'll keep you posted next semester.