Saturday, November 1, 2008

so distractable

Ugh. This is so frustrating. I can't figure my own head out. I'm at Panera attempting to read my economics chapters, but I can't read more than a couple paragraphs before I start staring off into space. It's usually only this bad at home. But apparently now I can't focus anywhere. I don't know how to make myself get in the groove.

It actually just occurred to me that I had this problem last semester after the stress got so bad I had developed the eye twitch. So maybe I need to find some time to research stress fixes other than medication. Don't get me wrong, I've never been one to turn down the quick fix that pills offer. But I'll be in school at least another two and a half years. That seems like a long time to be dependent on medication to deal with an overwhelming schedule. Oh, this is just another reason that I can add to the list of why I shouldn't have to work once I'm going to a university! Student loans really aren't looking that bad now, compared to the stress of working full-time and being a student full-time. Hmmm.

Ok I'm going to give this another shot...


Brandy A. Brown said...

I totally understand, these things happen. There are tons of ways to handle stress, the fun part is figuring out which ones work best for you. Often telling myself I can take a break to do something fun in 30 minutes or if I get through blank reading etc. it helps a lot. Break things down into little goals and ignore the bigger to do list.

Pink Princess said...

You're so awesome!! Thank you for the encouragement and input.

Insidemelookingout said...

This is why u need me...and Chocolate chip cookies to do homework :)